Guns often stored unsafely in U.S. homes, CDC survey suggests

Guns often stored unsafely in U.S. homes, CDC survey suggests
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Many firearm owners in the United States do not safely store their weapons, even when the weapon is loaded and there are children in the home, according to a report released Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The report, which was based on 2021 and 2022 data from eight states, found that many gun owners kept their guns unlocked and loaded in their homes despite rising rates of gun suicide and gun deaths. firearms among children.

Gun storage practices varied across the eight states: Alaska, California, Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio and Oklahoma.

Of those surveyed in Ohio who had both children and a loaded gun in the home, about a quarter said the gun was kept open; it was the smallest percentage among the seven states with available data for that metric. In Alaska, more than 40% of respondents fall into this category.

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By Ethan Brown Lambert

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